Are insulated or non-insulated patio covers better?

Are insulated or non-insulated patio covers better?

There is no question that a patio cover is an excellent addition to any home. But, there is one question many homeowners ask when deciding which type of patio cover they should get: Which is better, insulated or non-insulated? Keep reading to see what a few of our...
Is wood or Alumawood a superior material for patio covers?

Is wood or Alumawood a superior material for patio covers?

When you finally decide that a patio cover is a good investment, you need to decide on the type of material you would like to have. Two of the more popular options include wood and alumawood. But which one is better? Keep reading as a few of our readers cast their...
Does a patio cover increase property value?

Does a patio cover increase property value?

There are many benefits that come with installing a quality patio cover. But, some people wonder if one of those benefits will include an increase to their overall property value? If you are wondering that as well, then this article is for you. Keep reading for some...